1 Introduction and aim
Processions (or parades) on the Norwegian Constitution Day have a long tradition in Bergen. The processions should be tasteful and entertaining. In order to motivate the participating organisations, societies, associations, government agencies etc. to create elegant, rich in tradition, and entertaining parades, the Committee for 17 May in Bergen has designed plaques to reward the four best contributions.
2 Composition of the jury
A jury elects the plaque-winners. The jury is composed of five persons appointed by the Committee for 17 May in Bergen. The jury chairperson must be a member of the Committee for 17 May. The remaining four members cannot be members of the Committee for 17 May. A certain continuity should be aimed for so that at least two members continue the following year.
3 Plaques
The following plaques may be awarded:
- Most elegant Main Procession contribution
- Most elegant Flag Procession contribution
- Funniest Main Procession contribution
- Best Flag Procession contribution
The jury may decide that one or more plaques will not be awarded. The jury may in extraordinary cases award additional plaques.
Adopted by the Committee for 17 May in Bergen May 14 2013.