OUT OF RESPECT TO THE AUDIENCE AND SECURITY FOR THE SALE NOT INTERFERE EVENTS ON THE DAY IT IS NECESSARY TO PERFORMANCE CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS FOR SALE. THE MAIN RESULTS BELOW. READ CAREFULLY AND AND TICK AT THE BOX AT BOTTOM THAT YOU ACCEPT THESE TERMS. THEN GET TO THE PAGE FOR ORDERING AND PAYMENT. Sales license means that all orders from the 17th of May Committee, fire department, police, health and municipal authorities are complied with. Regular checks are undertaken by the Police, Securitas and health authorities. So be friendly and note the information provided here. Check the box at the bottom to show that you have read and understood these terms & conditions before you proceed to payment.


Fire regulations require that those who use gas / liquid fuel for heating or power units shall have available firefighting equipment. Fire extinguishing equipment shall be: When using gasoline generators shall be 6 kg. BC dry powder / foam extinguisher available. The use of gas shall be 6 kg. BC dry powder / foam extinguisher available. The gas cylinder must stand on a flat surface and protect it against curve. If cooking oil is used you shall have: separate lids, fire blanket and deep closes 3 liter ABF. Tenant of a stall is responsible for ensuring that staff are trained in the use of extinguishing agents. See the fire service guidelines for events in the city of www.bergen-brannvesen.no


Securitas, police and civilian guards providing security.


Sales site should be kept clean and tidy. Packaging, food materials and materials used for rigging must be removed before leaving the area. Remember to press together before placing it in the container cartons before placing in container. Garbage containers are located on the corner of Festplassen / Christiesgate and the Strandkaien.

Hot water (“hot-dog water”) must not be thrown into the bushes, trees, plants or flowers.

When the sale ends in the evening, contact Securitas which provides proof of that space is properly cleared. The receipt is delivered / sent to the 17th of May Committee within 24.May, and garbage mortgage on the 1000 kr. will then be transferred to your bank account.


So-called “snow”, “snakes”, etc., and color from the spray can damage clothes and is interference during the celebration. Sales of soft guns and gun replicas are general prohibited by the police and may lead to bots. Break this condition will permit the sale be withdrawn immediately and the sales booth removed. In addition, confiscated the deposit.


There will be 3×3 meter of each booth. For the protection of neighboring booths must be the space allotted is not exceeded. If this happens you have to pay on the spot a surcharge of 1000 kr. per started meter (from 301cm). You can order more coherent sales place (each 3 meters in length) to have larger booth. Where booths occupying more space than what is ordered, the guards can move the booth to another free space, which can result in less central location.


Anyone who would drive the sales / marketing of food products have a duty to ensure that food regulations are complied with. Norwegian Food Safety Authority guidelines which apply to the sale of hot dogs, pre-packed ice cream and soft drinks are:

    All food must be processed and stored hygienically, in order to avoid quality deterioration and the growth of bacteria, etc. that may cause stale or disease.

  • Perishable food should be stored at refrigeration or freezing temperature, respectively, -1 to 4 ° C and -18 ° C or colder.
  • Done “cooked” hot dogs to be kept at a temperature of 60 ° C or higher.
  • People who handle uemballerte foods should be clean, suitable clothing, and must not simultaneously perform other operations that may contaminate the items.
  • The goods shall, as far as practicable, protected against contamination. The goods should always be placed a minimum of 60 cm above ground level.
  • It must be established adequate procedures for cleaning, cleaning and waste management where the sale / serving is done.

By product range beyond this (barbecue, empanadas etc.) must be the message sent in advance to Food Safety Authority, District Office of the Bergen and surrounding areas. Notification form is available at www.mattilsynet.no.


Price per stand: NOK 5.585,-. This is includes a NOK 1000 deposit for littering, that will be paid back after a receipt is obtained from the guards.

It’s advantageous to order before the deadline (April 30th). For all types of permits issued after the deadline there will be an additional 50% compared to prices quoted.


There is unfortunately no power to the booths. Aggregates can be used. But: the noise reasons, it does not allow power generators in Byparken (because of concerts in the music pavilion). Those who have power must therefore choose another sales area.

I have carefully read, understand and accept the terms to be awarded the sale permit. To submit an application for stands means that I accept these terms.

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